Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just gave a tour and instructions to a local troubled teen that I am paying to house/dog sit for me this weekend. Jodi is still in Cleveland and I have to go to Little Rock and teach some Church Security Team members. Technically just renewing their creds. The legislation is written in such a way that they have to renew and continue to certify. Basically they have to shoot the exact same pistol quals as our LEOs. The kid that is going to spend weekend reminds me a lot of myself. He got sideways with his family and moved out early. He now lives with his granny and makes his own way. I moved out at 15 and never looked back, I understand. The kid is not afraid to work. He helps me on the farm doing brute manual labor type stuff. He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but if you are slow and methodically demonstrate what you want done he will darn sure do it. His work ethic is amazing. He is not afraid to say whatever he is thinking and settles disagreements with his body. A bit of a hothead. For whatever reason we hit it off and Jodi has quasi adopted him. I told him if he makes a poor decision and gets into my liquor cabinet, don’t make a worse decision by adding water to the bottle trying to fool me. Hopefully it all works out.