Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well cleaned the Scamp up today for the last car show this year and she's starting to show some road rash from this summer of fun.
I need to get her bottom cleaned up this winter and no hoist so I'll be lying on cardboard scrubbing the nooks and crannies on her bottom side.
She's been good to me so the least I can do is get the bugs, dirt and grease off her under belly.
You are doing the car justice, that's for sure.

Just pulled my Barracuda out and noticed a couple paint bubbles on the rt rear fender. Grrr. Considering it hasn't left the garage all year, a bit irritating.

I fI can get the frankencarb back on it this weekend I may be using it for a couple weeks. Always good and bad but hats what its for - to use.