Bazza, the car, has been reunited with Bazza, the man.

Well done, your are a true friend.
Thank you.

True story of the sort of people Bazza and his wife are:

Bazza's wife, and my (now) wife, grew-up together, and were best friends. Years ago, before I met her, my wife caught her (soon to be "ex") husband cheating on her. They were college sweethearts, he was the love of her know the story.

She filed for divorce and moved out.

Tore her entire world apart.

As this was all happening, Bazza and his wife were planning a romantic get-away, late honeymoon trip for 2 to NZ for three weeks (visit his family, take a tour of the country, and just "be"), but they told her (my wife), "You're coming with us, and we're not taking "no" for an answer!"

How can you not want to help people like that?