Auto insurance..inflation....old people!

I work in the auto claims industry... (body shop manager and painter). I laugh when all the "old" people come in and "brag" about being with one company for 42 years.... Why are you loyal to a company that dicks us over every day of our lives? The value of your car goes DOWN every year.... but your premium goes UP... makes sense. **** companies like Geico, Progressive use a geographical area to manage premiums... so for example there is a weather event in your area.... your rates go up... regardless of whether or not you filed a claim.

Here is a list I give my customers.

I always say... if you see a commercial, there is a reason they need to advertise!

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I have Nationwide for auto and home, they're like 65th on that list...!! I'm gonna hit up some of those top 5's see what kind of quote I get. My premiums seem "good enough" but it's for liability-only coverage on my Buick and D200. Duster is on Hagerty, I might switch the D200 over to that because I have a good bit invested in it for parts and labor at this point and "normal" auto insurers don't do comprehensive coverage for vehicles that old. Regardless, big-name national insurance companies can get f***ed for all I care.