Not your Father’s racing.

Back when I was racing it was the driver that handled all the functions of the car.
The driver determined how, when and how much power was advantageous.
If the car over wheelied the driver did what was needed to mitigate that next time.
Same with blowing the tires off.
The driver dealt with and managed that next time.
We never heard of such a thing as turning a motor down.

Now days the computers and electronics manage more and more of the car’s functions.

It seems racers these days are not far from sitting in the stands and watching their cars race each other with no driver at all.
And don’t even get me started on the cost of racing these days, with the thousands upon thousands of dollars it requires in electronics these days.

It was more fun when we just showed up with enough gas to race and managed the entire car ourselves.

They are taking the random variables of the driver out of it, and taking most of the fun out in the process.

My opinion.