Direct Connection chin spoiler

It’s going to be up to us to get the funds together. What I proposed was we would figure out how many people are 100% on board with buying one. He comes up with the cost to produce a mold and initial run + money for his time which we divide that between the group.
Ideally, the ground floor buyers would simply make an online purchase on his web store in the amount of their share.

I’ve never done this before so there might be a smarter way.

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Yup, that’s exactly the problem I had before. I have the Challenger spoiler that was going to be copied.

It was put up on one of the E-body forums back in the day. There was a dozen or so people that expressed an interest in the thread, but when it came time to put the money in the numbers fell.

Honestly the best way would probably be to start a “go fund me” or kickstarter account for it and have people contribute, with contributions over a certain dollar amount getting a spoiler when production is run. If the target amount for the mold isn’t reached then the money gets returned.

The advantage to that would be if people wanted to see the spoiler get made, but couldn’t afford the full price of a spoiler, they could pay whatever they wanted. If the spoiler gets made then they could buy it later. Heck there might even be a way to give them some credit for a full purchase later.

Someone here was going to make them too, I don’t remember how many were made but it was very small numbers.