Wheel hop. 68 383 4 spd

I am firmly in the "pinion snubbers are worthless, throw them away" camp. As said above, unless a snubber is against, or at least VERY close to the floor, it CANT do anything.
If it's against the floor, every bump you hit the snubber makes the ride solid, no suspension, no spring, and beats up the floor of the car. Not good. If it DOESNT contact the floor, how can it DO anything?
If i had one on my car (I certainly dont!) It would do absolutely nothing even if it were against the floor, because on a full power launch, the body of the car raises at least three to four inches (used to be six!) So the glorious wonderful pinion snubber is waving in the breeze, a quarter of a foot away from doing ANYTHING.

Sorry for the rant, I guess I don't think much of pinion snubbers.......
But Uncle phony loves them lol