Cruising legal in California?

Back in the late 80s, there were laws passed all over that tried to put a stop to cruising. One was an enhancement of the "Loitering" infraction. If you were outside of a business for more than a specified amount, you'd be subject to a citation. The cruising infractions also had guidelines like the amount of times you could drive on the same stretch of road in a 1 hour period.
I was never a drinker so going to bars wasn't my thing. A young guy then would cruise and either look for a race or for a cute woman.
I loved it. I love the cars and the chicks. I had a few one night stands from meeting women while out cruising. I had a lowered Camaro....that was a popular thing back then.
One night stands are scary. Lol

i have similar memories from hanging out on our ‘bullshit corner’ until 1 or 2 am every Friday and Saturday night, then off to a secret spot for races…. Good ole days.