Wheel hop. 68 383 4 spd

All of the above suggestions that it's time for new springs are spot-on. I just wanted to add a little information regarding the snubber itself. I'm sure you've seen people say "take that off and throw it away" or "you'd be better off losing that 5 pounds"...... Most snubbers are used incorrectly, and are of very little use to a guy with a street car anyway. In order for the snubber to be of any use, it has to be up against or very, very close to the floorboard of the car. That's not good for a street car, no doubt. MaMopar actually called for the Max Wedge cars, which were really designed for competition straight line acceleration, to run the snubber against the floorboard.
When I was running street class with my Dart, I ran a modified pinion snubber with 245/60r-14 street tires because I had read about the Wedge cars like Lefty71 mentioned above and was out 60 footing cars with drag radials. I had it set to where it was tight up against the bottom of the car. It was actually pushing down a little bit on the nose of the hogshead when at rest. My brother has a Duster that runs 7.60s with drag radials and was running a pinion snubber setup. He thought it would hook harder with Cal-tracs so he put a set on there and didn't improve his times one bit. Just mine and my brother's experience. Both cars are automatics though.