Stop in for a cup of coffee

Such nice weather here. At least until Sunday. Really, Really wanted to go out for a motorcycle ride. The other day I noticed the starter was not working. Although it does have a Kickstarter. Really would rather take it out when I have both available to me. Took the solenoid off of it and rebuild it, checked starter relay. More or less bench tested the starter with direct power while it was still on the bike. No go. So I removed the starter this morning. Bench tested it before I took it apart. Sometimes go sometimes no go. Took it apart and found the brushes were not worn out but the springs were loose. Not allowing them to contact the armature correctly. And the armature was a mess. Should have taken a picture of it before I cleaned up where the brush is contacted. Anyhow, I'll put it back together today because I still have 2 days of nice weather. Lol.. kkkkk