YouTube money grab ?

I was getting those for about a week and they`re gone for now. I contacted them and gave them the what for.
Their used to be an X at the top right you could click off and go ahead and watch.
Next their was a timed buffering wheel you had to wait for and then X it off and watch.
Contact them and politely tell them to get bent.
They`ve been in operation for a very long time, how was they getting by then?
To those who think people should pay for every thing we watch? If that`s the mindset, we wouldn`t be able to afford the internet. I pay enough for cable connection per month, I don`t want to pay any extra:soapbox:

Comparing having internet service to watching YouTube for free is apples to oranges. YouTube isn’t synonymous with the internet. And internet service isn’t free. You pay for cable, and still see ads on that don’t you?

Everything costs money. It costs YouTube money to provide their content-servers, software, etc. They pay for that with ad revenue. And that ad revenue is dynamic, just because they’ve been around for awhile doesn’t mean their revenues and costs don’t change. It’s a for profit business, they decide what services they provide and how they charge or make their money.

You’re certainly not entitled to watch YouTube, you’ve got no right to that anymore then you’re entitled to get HBO. You can watch TV over the air without paying for a cable subscription, you choose to pay for cable. Just like you choose to pay for internet. And if you don’t want to watch ads, you can pay for an ad-free service. Or you can pay for an ad-blocker, but don’t be surprised when the company you’re stealing revenue from changes their software to block that. I’m sure they didn’t like it before either, but clearly they’ve figured out a way to track ad blockers so why wouldn’t they?

YouTube is a private company out to make a profit, it’s capitalism. They’re under no obligation to provide you ad-free content for free just because you think you’re entitled.