YouTube money grab ?

Bla bla bla Been watching add free for over a decade. If the channel runs an add I can fast forward.
I dropped my cable box along time ago, got sick of commercials on there too. My only entertainment now is a few car sites and Youtube. They can beg for money like their content providers with patrion and go fund me. Cable is expensive enough. If I cant watch the tube for free, I`ll go get a life and start fishing and hunting again or fix up my cars.
Send you tube 100bux a month if you think they deserve it and you have all this money to blow.
I`m not setting through a bunch of adds, period.

lol! Ok pal.

I don’t send YouTube any money. I just click through the ads. I mean, would I rather not have ads? Of course.

But I’m also not gonna whine about it, it’s a for profit business and they can show ads, or charge money, and block service for people with ad blockers however they please. You don’t have to be all that smart to see what their business model looks like, and understand how they get ad revenue, or understand how using an ad-blocker on their free service is basically stealing from them.

News flash, you don’t get everything you want for free just because you want it that way.