Stop in for a cup of coffee

That’s amazing that you can detect all of that. Is that something that came naturally? Or did you learn that?
Lots of practice. It's all about paying attention to everything you eat and drink. It all has multiple flavors that you can pick out if you pay attention.
Oh and one of these really helps you pick out particular flavors. Some ryes have a apple flavor on the nose. If you think about what you are smelling you can pick out a crisp apple (not the flavor of a muchy one) and even the variety. A Granny Smith tastes different than a Macintosh or what ever. Strawberries have a light sweet fruity smell and are different than say raspberries or blackberries. SOmetimes a process of elimination helps you narrow down what you are smelling and tasting. I print off these tasting wheels for the tastings that Ted and I host. People really like using them.

Tasting Wheel.jpg