Slow 1/8 with 74 440 dart

With today's converter technology, you could put one in there that flashes to 5500 and will drive on the street like a stock converter. I know you don't need that high of a flash, it's just an example. Too many people choose a converter like we're still in the 1970s and that's a huge mistake with the converter technology we have available today. Used to be, the flash stall had an effect on cruise RPM. That's a thing of the past. Now you can ride around town with a 5500 stall and have it act like a stock converter at low RPM. As for the timing there are only two reasons for that much idle timing. Either there is a mistake reading it, whether you are reading it wrong, or there is something mechanical affoot like a slipped or mis marked balancer, OR it has low compression. Have you run a compression test to see what kind of cylinder pressure it has? Those figures, coupled with the known camshaft and you can make a really good guess where the static compression is.
150+ psi on all cylinders. i made the newbie mistake of not degreeing the cam when i put it together, this was my first engine build after all. but double checked dots are lined up. at some point i want to rebuild the engine with better heads, higher lift roller cam and maybe some stroke lol. at that point i'll start degreeing all my engines. but for now it is what it is