5.9 magnum with M122 blower/intercooler

I opted to take the path I did so as to have the smallest belt surface area and tensioner force to minimize parasitic loss but without getting into belt slippage. Belt type is another factor in what you can get away with. No issues with belt slippage but if I ever see that I'll increase tensioner force. Mine is a 3 lobe model 112 with 3.4" & 5.375" pulley diameters (6 psi). The 6 rib pulley is what the Magnuson comes with. This is an older picture. I don't have any front-view pictures showing the support bracket and tensioner or belt to pulley path.

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That's super cool.
What are you changing? It looks quite well sorted.

6 rib should be fine for those pulleys, that m112 blower is capable of a lot more if you ever choose to spin it harder though.

Since you were asking about snouts a few posts back, the closest thing I know of to a snout of that length is a jag one. I used to see them on ebay from time to time a few years back, they're a bit rare but they're out there.
I dont have one here to measure.
I did find this though.
Eaton SC Snout length - Rennlist - Porsche Discussion Forums