deeper than stock oil pan

I’m running the Kevco m302? Whichever is the 360 one. Fits very nicely in the car. Doesn’t hang low at all. One complaint I have and they may have made the change in it, but the oil drain is locate OUTSIDE the gated sump area. So when you change the oil, about a quart sits in the sump and SLOWLY, and I mean SLOWLY drains out. If you don’t know this, you slap the plug in and have old oil still in it. I just put a drain inside the sump area.

I have that one as well and noticed that potential issue before I installed it. What I did was use a 1/4" flat round punch and carefully pushed down the bottom of the pan under that baffle to open up a small gap and allow the oil to drain past it. I also installed a fitting with a secondary drain plug so that removing the plug during an oil change doesn't wear out/strip the threads in the pan itself. Location of the drain plug isn't great either being all the way at the front, once I pull the drain plug I jack up the rear of the car so the pan slopes forward and drains ALL of the oil out. I let it sit that way for a while and go do something else for 10-20 minutes lol. Sounds like a pain but it's not that bad and I only change the oil in my Duster maybe twice a year at most.

Another option would be to use a vacuum pump and suck out the remainder of the old oil through the plug located on the side of the pan closer to the center (not sure why they put that there in the first place...?)