Stop in for a cup of coffee

The dreaded MRI in small tube today so that they can look at my other shoulder. I got a couple of Valium's says I get thru it. I do not like to be trapped. Doc thinks they can go in with their weed eater and vacuum and clean up the right shoulder without replacing it. He is opposed to doing it so close to the other one but I explained my deductible is paid and my out of pocket is paid, we are doing it now. Insurance resets J1. I have no choice. I am gaining strength and mobility daily with replacement side but much like Craig I do to much and have setbacks. Fundamentally just being a bonehead and not listening to either Doc or Jodi. Craig and I may be kin?
Hey you need to slow down and take it easy before you really hurt yourself. :lol:
I hate the tube. I get all set close my eyes, go to a happy place in my mind, and don't open my eyes until I'm back out. Heck with a shoulder just put me in chest high and leave the lower half outside the tube?? I've done that not as rough.