383 builds for drag car

I found your channel, I subscribed and said hi, that's good content.
I see you're friends with servedo, that's good content too.
I need to start making vids for my channel.
I hope the garage build goes well.
Thanks! It’s funny. A fellow FABO’er (George Jets) introduced us at a local Florida car show. I recognize he doesn’t have an accent…. Which, of course means, he’s from where I was, Long Island New York.
Laughing our asses off at this, we discorver we lived within 30 minutes of each other. When he tells me his last name, I’m like…. “I know you from somewhere, it’ll take me a few days to remember. And when I did, I heard of his name some 30 years ago when the Chevy guys were talking. He was floored and asked about it. We laughed our asses off even harder when George Jets said, you don’t recognize his name from the mission impossible thread. I said what mission impossible thread?!?!

Content will pick up in a few months, Lord God willing of course!

If something pops on the channel you wanna see or see done, let me know. I’ll see about trying to squeeze it in if possible.