Budget 360 build in heavy car- Which cam?

I disagree with your choices, and many of the suggestions. An advertised 206/212 camshaft or Crane's 693901 (Crane 693902 with lifters) for a HEAVY CAR, that CRUISES, with throttle response. Having more horsepower at top end doesn't fit this description. the crane has torque come on at idle, or 700 rpm, and all done at 4500 rpm for the hp band but people claim that they have run that camshaft up to 5500 rpm no problem. This puts the torque right where you described the purpose of your car. An advertised 204 to 211 for the intake would be what I believe that you should be shooting for. I cannot imagine a more appropriate recommendation given your described requirements. Best Wishes and please tell us what you end up selecting and how well you feel it performs.