The end is near for Hot Rod Magazine

I'll bet that when Hot Rod does stop publishing and mailing magazines, they'll do it just like the assholes at Mopar Muscle did. You are wondering why you haven't gotten the current copy, and a few days later you find out they closed up shop and there will be no more. And if you were paid up for 2.5 years, too bad. That is what happened to me with Mopar Muscle. I subscribed to MM for about 30 years. I literally have all but the first 2 or 3 issues. I was at Mopars on the Strip in 2015 talking to the MM guys at their booth. They asked me if I wanted to renew at a discount. I told them I had a year left. They said if I renewed for 2 years, they'd give me and my wife each a nice MM T shirt. So I did. A few months later, I just stopped getting their magazines. There was no notification at all.