True Story From The Past

I got a call way back when, landlines. Some kind of insurance. I said,

"Sure WAIT!! My wife was just talking about this the other day, but she's busy for a minute or two, she'd REALLY like to talk to you about this, will you wait?"


So I stretched that out about as far as I figured I dared, and

"Sorry, she's just about coming back in you still there?"

"You bet"

And I stretched it out again, and.........

"Man I'm sorry, she will be here in a second"

"Well,............OK" (not very enthused)

So I stretch it out again a bit, and

"You still with me?"

"Uh, .................yeh..........................."

"Oh, MAN", I said. "I don't know what is WRONG with me, today!! I'VE NEVER HAD A WIFE AND I'M NOT MARRIED!!!! GOO-BYE!!!!" AND HUNG UP THE PHONE.