Black Friday sales. Who’s buying what.

They had a little 15w acoustic amp on sale for half price I nabbed. Ended up being pretty nice! I did see drum sticks on sale too. My annoyance with that place is the dualing shredders that just want to crank on every jackson or flying v they can find, at max volume. Lol plus most of their deals sre online vs what they stock.

I Spent the rest if the day stripping plastic dip off the hellcat hood I picked up on the same trip. My charger is the green wasn't gonna cut it lol

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Nice that the plastidipped it
I'm not a big fan of it, but it sure is nice how reversible it is

There weren't too many weekend warriors at the GC, but there were about a half a dozen drummer

Pretty fun to see them play in thier own styles
Even funner to see there was only one kid there who know how to handle a double bass pedal...not sure where he picked it all up but I learned him everything I know and he just ran with it

For a while ive been trying to master the drum line for "over the hills and far away" by nightwish

It written in 12/4 with triplets on the bass, 1 and 3 on the snare and every other bass hit on the floor

Took me forever to get it down, and I still can't sit down and start it at the proper tempo, I need to start at 80 or so and build it up

So I asked the boy if he ever tried it, and he sat down and blasted it