Turn a small drill press into a Bore/ Hone. Bolt it to the top of your engine block & do your own machining .

PS, the Chevy long block was "remanufactured" out of Mexico...also I noted the the front cam bearing was missaligned, oil had a hard time getting to the front main...slight gawl on that bearing but it didn't mess up the crank bearing surface....cam bearing is still good , but will need a drill put thru it to enlarge that oil hole....get things aligned.

dear gawd i should've caught it so much earlier.

some absolutely terrible cockamamie idea, the double replies, the stream of babbling nonsense, the upside down reasoning, run on sentences, poor spelling of punctuation, misuse of words and terminology, thinking you know better than a machinist, being a cheap *** and just the pure unadulterated absurdity of it all...

of course you're talking about some chebbie bullshit.

ease that mess on down road pal. we don't want nuthin' on nuthin' to do with that rubbish around these parts.