Possible rod knock?

So a few months ago I posted about possible lifter tick.

This noise hasn't rewlly gone anywhere all though it did quiten down with some additive but I haven't driven the car much. And what with it being summer I wanted to use the car still, but now the winter is here it's time to investigate.

The noise however is loud. Very loud. Even louder when I run the open pipes

So now I'm considering the possibility of rod knock.

How ever a few things that are making me wonder if this is the case:

The noise is not there from cold, and only creeps in after a good 35-40 mins of driving.

Knock/tick slowly fades out and goes completely once I let off the power. And dosnt always come back straight away when I put power back on.

The noise will go away at idle and idle and revving, it won't come back either. (Even more annoying to diagnose) has to be under some form of load.

Noise always matches engine speed

Oil pressure is still good.

I would of said if it had been rod knock it would be present all the time regardless?

Once I have some time off I'll get under the car drain oil, remove pan and have a wiggle of the rod ends see if anything is loose.

What are your guys input? Im still of the idea (hoping) it's lifters. But do they really get that loud?

Or maybe predet?

If I get a chance (weather permitting) I'll try get a sound video.

Thanks guys.