
he developed a story about "boiling brake fluid" and his folllowers pounded that out likeit was fact (...) Tony didn't have a clue what happened, the car wasn't towed to his shop for him to investigate... he made the story up off a YT video

…and then his fanboi brigade went parrotting it all over the internet, and then people who think googling is "doing research" go Hey, yeah, I've read that same thing!, and the myth gets amplified and re-amplified and re-re-amp-amplified.

Tony's goal is not to find or tell the truth, it's to rack up maximum clicks on his monetized EwTube channel. And to drive traffic there by getting people all riled up and talking about him, so no more on that subject from me, bless his pea-pickin' heart.

This is not new; the purpose of an old-fashioned paper magazine is-always-was to put readers in a receptive, suggestible frame of mind for the ads. The articles and pictures are just bait. Some magazines (and TV shows, etc) do a slicker job than others of hiding that.