Stop in for a cup of coffee

be sure and set up some targets at varying distances so you can figure out what your holdovers are on the rifle. Given your location I would likely only go out to 150 yards as I doubt you would ever see a longer shot than that on the hill. I would do a 25 then a fifty then a 75 then a hundred then a 125 and finally a 150. For those of you not from Arkansas we shoot our deer at mostly about fifty yards! And not often do they weigh more than 100 pounds. They survive on acorns! Oh and one leg is shorter than the other cause they are always on a hill! Nice rifle cousin! She will put some meat in the freezer for sure
Yes I will, I have a 100 yard pan hanging and a 60 yard plinking swinger I keep up.
Everything put on the ground here in my blind is just 30 yards, 45 to 125 if its in the pasture.
Some loads I hope to pick up soon
@Sublime one


