Stop in for a cup of coffee

No blow by blow details? :poke: :rofl::rofl:
Nope ! I figure I will be making music in my own special way Mike :rofl:
Ah Ratz! I was lookn' forward to those updates :lol:
Oh no! No way am I going to be Unconventional :lol:
Over the last 6 years I've spent my Christmases in Vietnam. I did have a small Christmas tree I used to set up in the shop if I was here. I don't have a large tree anymore. My ex took it. So my wife set this tree up, upstairs. All of the ornaments on it are Hallmark. Maybe next year I'll buy a big tree for here.
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She did good, I wait to closer time for the kids to come enjoy it, sometimes at 12/20/23 I do it, I never had Christmas growing up really, hard to do living in camps, or car. Visiting uncle Robert every Christmas here in Arkansas on the off season, mom and baby brother would shoot to California, Pete, grandma and I got dropped of at uncle Roberts for 6 weeks, they alway had gifts for us, gloves, socks and a pocket knife sometimes, Wife and I both came from a broken homes so we both have those memories. Thats why we make great partners in life and don't take anything for granted :thumbsup: