1966/'69 A100 Twins Build

I have been trying to figure out how many coats of primer you have sprayed and I lost count weeks ago.:thumbsup:

Me too! The penalty for doing it outside and in stages. After 4-5 days in the sun it is cured enough to not have a good chemical bond so you have to start fresh coat of epoxy. The beauty about this though it the epoxy is SUPER durable so it actually makes it even stronger and more durable. Remeber I have been doing it in sections too so yes I have sprayed epoxy on MANY days but in the same section there is:

Red Epoxy to lock down the metal for the first stage
Grey epoxy to do the filler work over
Filler Work and blocking
Black Epoxy so I know where to stop sanding
High Build 2k
Glaze work and more blocking
Grey Epoxy to seal the 2k and filler and more blocking
Final Blocking
Grey Epoxy for the final

there is probably one more coat of epoxy in there somewhere to restart the windows to apply filler/glaze/ something as well

Seems about typical for what I do