Digging for info - front drum explosion on 727s

Then our definition of a dry hop is different. After the burnout box about halfway to the staging lights I'll quickly power brake to launch RPMs and launch. The tires 99% of the time stick so there is no wheel spin. If there is tire spin, it is brief and the wheels aren't even rotating at 10 mph. I also don't get back into the throttle. I know to not launch at 100%.

Plus the dry hop is maybe 80% - 90% of a full launch.
I know how to dry hop....lol

My explanation may not have been clear. Obviously a dry hop is different than a burnout however you are still spinning the internals in 1st gear (unless you are dry hopping in 2nd which I doubt) and then you're not. With the horror stories about explosions and such, I built my 727 stout enough to hopefully never explode and sever my foot. Doesn't mean it can't fail and I would prefer that not happen either, therefore I will do 2nd gear burnouts shifting to 3rd and rolling out. Do a good burnout (getting the tires to the right temps) and dry hops are not needed.