shipping a manifold

You're welcome! If it helps just one person it's always worth it.

I was surprised just now to see I've used the fun pirates to ship 32 packages since Rich M. told me about them a few months ago. I couldn't find anything on my account with an easy breakdown to see total savings but will estimate it's probably close to or over $400 just in a few months.

One box, a 5' grille assembly, went from a $202 USPS quote to riding the pirate's schooner for $64!!

This 9x4x6 box weighing 1.7 pounds is going to North Carolina tomorrow. The $4.13 savings over the USPS counter price is shown in the upper right hand corner. Extrapolate that over a few shipments and it adds up very quickly.

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It took less than two minutes to create my free account, and passing those savings on to customers absolutely delights me!

Everything is pirate-related on their website and actually makes shipping fun. I get called Captain Leanna when I sign in. If you use tech support, they'll talk to you like a pirate, or share pirate jokes while you wait for an answer. There's an interactive program that'll teach you how to talk like one! Even their commercials are hilarious!

So Yes, I am absolutely a very happy customer. They've been in business since 2014 and are exemplary in every way. Highly recommended!!

THey must use the shippers commercial discount. We "finally" were able to use MAC Tools shipping discount to return broken tools for credit back to the ewarehouse. 10 years ago I would spend $30-50 a month to return tools. After the discount program, that went down to $10-15. And it didn't cost MAC a dime. We just used their discount and saved us some cash.