67 Dart Convertible Rescue

Very productive day.

Got things straightened up a bit.

Then got sidetracked...

Now the top pump and rams are out, the top is down, and the busted out windshield is out.

Got more dirt vacuumed up.

A bit of moisture got in the pump at some time.

But overall the clear ATF (as in the original fluid) looked and smelled good.

A bit of sludge but it whipped out easy.



Both bottom corners of the A pillers look great PXL_20231205_002126236.jpg


More proof that 2 people assembled the top to the converts.

Left side the staples are all in a row, the right side vertical and more random. My 67 very was built 2 months later and was almost the same, 2 guys one neat one not so neat. PXL_20231204_190145878.jpg

I cut out some of the rusted out pass side floor.

The metal under it perfect. PXL_20231205_002031641.jpg

It looks so much better without the busted out windshieldPXL_20231205_002025092.jpg