What Carb for Poly Stroker

We knew a guy like that when I was in grammar school. He lived in a neighborhood kinda cattycornered across the street from the school. He had all kinda of badass Mopars. Super Bees, Superbirds, Daytonas, Hemi cars, you name it, he probably had it. He lived on a double lot, so he had the room. I remember in the 7th grade his house caught fire and also got the adjacent long pole barn where all the other cars were kept that weren't in his garage. Burned them all to the ground. If I remember right, I think he was killed in the fire, too. I have a friend from school I still go to the Waffle House with every now and then. I know he remembers that guy because we've talked about it before. I'll have to ask him if he remembers whether or not he was killed in the fire, too. I think he was.
Sad day when a whole barn full of collector cars goes up in smoke. Bad if they burn outside but in a building the wallas hold the heat in and they get real hot. I don't think the iron blocks are salvageable.
Working instrumentation a few years ago I saw Wuahkesha
V12 natural gas engines after the compressor package burned. All the aluminium covers melted off with the rocker cover aluminium in the oil pan.