Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone, getting tired of waking up with these headaches, doc put me on Brusbar, a stress relief drug that is not addictive, waiting on my hart doctor to see what she thinks, but my pc doctor thinks the headaches are driving my blood pressure up..
Ok, enough of that chit, hope all is well with everyone here, 33 degrees this morning and a high of 47, so yes, its going to be a bit cold today, normal temp is 54 for us this time of year.
Victoria wouldn't start the other day, and it was outside, wasn't the ballast, but the old ecu I have been running on my slant 6 8 years ago and a few weeks here, had a back up in my stash, actually I have 4 more.

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Mike Stephan Hotz will take the old ecu if your going to trash it.