Just need to vent about US Bank.

Three of my vehicles have their license tabs due in January, so naturally, being the Good and Happy Taxpayer that I am, I dutifully went online and paid for them electronically about a month ago.

New stickers arrived about two weeks ago, so I was good to go, right?


On Saturday I received two nasty letters from the MN Department of Public Safety stating that my bank (US Bank) had denied the charges, and the State is going to "suspend the registration" on two of the three vehicles unless I jump through all sort of hoops.

So I called the bank just now from work....and waded through their inane automated system only so I could be put on hold for almost 15 minutes...

Long story short: Apparently their system flagged the second and third payments as "potentially inaccurate", so they denied the payments to the State!

Who is now on my ***....

Did US Bank tell me they were going to do this? No!

Did someone from US Bank reach out to me on this? No!

Did they do this without my knowledge? Yes!

This isn't the first time they've done this **** to me, so....

Am I going to open an account somewhere else and take my $65k+ balance in Checking & Savings with me? Hell, Yes!

(Phuque 'em)
This is why I renew both my license plates and driver's license in person, it doesn't take long especially if you do it at the beginning of the month. It's hazzle free. Sorry guys about commenting on this matter but I always hear horror stories about things being done on line.