I need electrical help.

MAN. LOOK into that IMMEDIATELY!!! you may have something drawing a lot of current, you may have wrong value fuses installed (too high amperage) or you may have a bad connection heating up., This can be rust/ corrosion/ looseness in crimps, the riveted connections, or corroded/ weak fuse clips
I just saw his comment, Del. I am glad you saw it earlier and issued the warning. Could the fuse box get hot if the fuseable link was bypassed/deleted? Hey, @1973Kathleen, @67Dart273 is an electrical expert. heed his warning. If I were you, I would have a way set up to pull the positive battery cable REALLY fast while you are looking into this. Maybe a quick disconnect or just have the battery terminal post(s) pre-loosened. If you start to smell something burning while you are sorting this out, that is NOT the time to be looking for a 1/2" wrench to pull the terminals. Think ahead and be ready.