Just need to vent about US Bank.

Well, here is my $0.02.
I am retired Air Force. When I was just a 2nd Lieutenant, I heard about a bank in San Antonio called Kelley Field (KF) National Bank that specialized in handling military member's accounts. We opened an account with them and kept it for over 20 years. They bent over backwards to provide superior service to military members. One time we were home on leave and decided that with a new baby, a station wagon might be a better way to travel. So we went to the local Chevy dealer and looked at a Malibu Station wagon. We really liked it, so we bargained for the best price, and then I called the toll-free number for KF. The loan officer asked me how much I needed and said they would deposit that right away and mail me the loan papers. The sales manager asked to talk to the loan officer. He was shocked that my bank was going to deposit the money in my checking account based only on a phone call. At some point (about 15-20 years ago?) KF was bought by Wells Fargo. My account must still be flagged as a prior KF Military account, because I have gotten superior service from them.
Now for Bank of America! UGH! My mortgage was purchased by them, so for the last 8 years or so (about2005-2013), I had to deal with them. What a bunch of buffoons. We doubled up on payments to pay the house off early. When I wanted to make a final house payment, they were "unable" to compute a final amount for me. This idiot tried to explain that the way they compute interest daily, the payoff amount would change daily. No kidding! He could not grasp the concept of "give me a payoff amount for next Monday, and I will mail you a check that can be deposited before that day". At the time, I was working in the Market Risk Analysis department of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka. Believe me when I say that I knew how interest was compounded and computed. I tried to convince the guy he was wrong to no avail. I finally walked in the front door of a local Bank of America branch and requested a current balance so I could pay it off. I got the same mumbo jumbo from their loan department. I demanded to talk to the branch manager. I told him where I worked and that the crap his people were telling me was flat out wrong. He gave me some crap about needing time for a check to clear, so I asked him point blank how long it would really take for a check from my bank two blocks up the street to clear. He said to figure 3 days. I asked him to give me a balance for 4 days from today and wrote him a check for that amount. I don't think he liked it, but he took it. That is what it took to deal with those morons. And I still had to fight with them to get some paperwork showing the mortgage was paid off. I think @dartindanno is correct when he says big banks are for big business. I really don't think they care about the little people like us.