Just need to vent about US Bank.

The good old days........When they knew you personally.
This is my banking experience of today, they all know me at my bank, a regional small town type bank. It was an even smaller regional (local) bank before they merged/sold to the current bank. Their fraud protection is top notch, I've never paid for anything I didn't personally buy. I've had a few small loans from them, the first the branch manager told the higher ups to make, "he wants to give us his money, why let him take it somewhere else?" That was about a decade ago, when I first started to build my credit. I was going to get a mortgage through them, but things worked out better in my favor and I was able to get a loan from a 401k I had.

Wells Fargo went after me for an already closed account that was paid off well before the "merger". For $82! I don't hate the employees, just the crap they were forced to do. Every time I went in to drop off my ex's mortgage payment, I was bombarded to open an account. Every single time. Not a big deal, but annoying none the less. They always asked me that when I cashed my check from my employer back many years ago too. I wasn't surprised when the fake account news hit, it sounded like a perfect solution to unrealistic quotas they set.

I love my little bank!