Weird dreams.....let's see some of yours!

I have an appointment next Wednesday to take my 2004 Dodge 2500 to a dealer to get the passenger side airbag recall done. After I made the appointment, I had a dream that the service dept. got it taken care of quickly and told me someone would meet me in the showroom with my keys. I go to the showroom and was met by a salesman who had my keys. He said he wanted to show me what I could get in trade in for my truck towards a new vehicle. I politely told him I wasn't interested and asked for my keys. He started his speel again. I stopped him and told him again that he had nothing I was interested in, my truck is in my will to go to a friend, and he needed to give me my keys. Once again he doesn't give me my keys and tells me I need to trade in my crusty old truck because it's almost 20 years old and unreliable by now. (My truck looks brand new and is LOW miles!) I didn't say a him in a reverse headlock and choked him out while I was punching him in the ribs and gut with my free hand. I turned him loose, took my keys out of his hand, and told him he needed to go sell Time Shares instead of cars!

It's a weird dream because even though I have a very low tolerance for pushy sales people, I am not nor have I ever been a violent person.