Stop in for a cup of coffee

Service on my truck is done. I hate red rain. If the exhaust was 1/2” lower i could get pan out with ease. Nope. Drop exhaust. 13 years old with 350,000 km’s on it. Im shocked they only took my 3/4” impact to get the nuts off. 5 out of 6 at least. Who decided putting th 02 sensor directly in line with the 6th stud was a good idea? Wasnt me.
Had dog in shop with me again, and yup, you guessed it-she poooed again. But she must have run 5 miles just minutes before coming inside. She was out and loose for at least an hour. Now, passed out on couch.
She is telling you it is her space! You are in a death match mental struggle for dominance! Ask me how I know!