1971 Demon 340 T/A build help

I love how people are losing there **** over making a fun T/A styled car.

Purists will get knotted up over anything. When you said you were adding factory T/A options it fired them all up. Rather than understanding that it’s an A-body and therefore can’t be factory correct they immediately went into nit picking mode. Add some large diameter wheels and they’re breaking out the pitchforks.

What’s really funny is that if you actually bought original T/A stuff the A-body purists would be in awe of your one of none, while the E-body purists would be lining up to burn you at the stake.

Just build your car the way you want! :thumbsup:

And remember, if you say “factory” three times in the mirror, you’ll be slowly nit-picked to death by a horde of angry purists with no life of their own.