Weird dreams.....let's see some of yours!

I have a recurring anxiety dream every so often.

I'm on campus at the university I worked at. The campus has changed, and there are many huge buildings that are connected to each other by walkways and tunnels. I cannot find my way off campus.

I try to exit campus using various routes, but they are dead ends. Sometimes a route connects to another route, and I can walk in a loop. When I get into the loop, there is a breakroom with vending machines and people. Some of the people know me, and they may make a comedic comment like Here again? I've memorized some routes, and next dream I know which ones are a waste of time.

Some dreams I find several dead ends. Occasionally I land in an office with people. Most folks ask me how they can help or what am I doing here. Other times, the people know me and we chat.

Recently, I've found my way to a parking lot, and for bonus anxiety, I can't remember where I parked. At the lot, I'm given three choices. One is to turn around to explore more campus routes. Second is to walk home through a very dangerous neighborhood. When I take that route, I walk the streets and get lost. I pass houses where I have lived before, and reminisce about the good times. I always wake up when walking the neighborhood. The third choice is a lonely canyon that leads to some mountains. Oddly, I always choose the neighborhood route or turnaround and go back, and never walk the canyon.

Each dream has it's own twist. For example, when passing an old residence, the occupants may invite me in to join the party. Other times, I will start on the canyon route and crest a hilltop for amazing views, then backtrack.