proud daddy... :)

Great stuff, Joe! Thanks for the updates. Now tell me something. Will this early training benefit her when and if she decides to join the Navy? As in maybe be able to go in a higher rank?
if she decides to join the navy or coast guard after high school (there is no obligation) she can go in as high as an E3 depending on the recommendation of her commander.. so far it looks like most are starting as a E2 that come from her unit.. still good to come out of boot camp at a higher pay rate..:)

her unit has a 90 some percent of kids joining the military, so far all of them said that boot camp was a breeze because they knew what to expect and that they have really already done it all and know what and how things need to get done.. so really even if they get no extra pay they kinda have a head start.

out of the ones that graduated in june. two are in army ranger school, one in marines recon , one a corman in the navy and one in i believe the naval academy,

her one ship mate is active duty national guard since the summer of his junior year of high school.. he found kinda a loop hole to get into west point.. its difficult to get in any of the academys but west point (maybe all i don't know) leaves 80 seats open for active duty cadets. those seats never fully fill up from what i understand. so by him being active duty for almost 2 years before graduating high school gives him a really good chance to get into west point as soon as he is out of high school.. plus he has two years active duty that counts towards everything while still in high school.. its a pretty slick way of doing it..

i figure even if rylee doesn't go into the military that all the experiences and training can only help her in life.