318 No Start Backfiring Through Carb

It finally turned over!! After a few months of hard work, I’ve finally heard this beast growl! All thanks to 318willrun and krazykuda. Probably the best feeling ever. Thank you guys again for the pointers! The distributor was indeed 180 out, and after following the instructions krazykuda provided, I managed to get it timed correctly and get it running.
Please do not use the term "turned over" if you mean "it runs"


"Starter works," "cranks," "turns over." This means that when you twist the key to the "start" position, the engine rotates as would be expected when attempting to start

"Fires." This means that when attempting to start, the engine tries to run, makes noise out the exhaust, coughs, gags, and may continue for a few seconds or more

"Fires and runs." Normal operation.

The "finger in the hole" is something that should be taught to every teenager. I'm 75, and learned this (finally) when I was about 23.

However, I recommend a bit different from KK. As he said, and when you feel compression, bump or wrench the engine up on the timing marks NOT at TDC but rather where it is that you want the timing, AKA 10 BTC or whatever. Then insert the dist. as described. Rotate the dist (in the case of SB) CW (retarded) and then slowly rotate it advanced (CCW) until the points open, if you have points, or the reluctor (breakerless) is centered on the pickup coil core. This may be a couple degrees off, but it will be quite close, and you should be able to simply start the engine.