Need help !

Hey guys I have a 1972 dodge dart swinger that I’m have some issues with the turn signals. I have replaced the flashers canisters and the ts switch . The drivers side will work the passenger will not . Flashers and break lights work any ideas ?
I'd agree, poor ground at the bulbs, but just because the TS switch is new, does not mean "good."

Old school flashers are current sensitive. This means that one bad bulb may cause the flasher to flash very slowly vs normal, or not at all. Also check the connectors in the system. There is the TS switch connector coming out of the column, and there's a connector in the left kick panel where the rear harness goiing back to the truck connects with the instrument panel.

A hint: Do NOT come on here and post a question with "help" for the title. Think up a descriptive title, like "turn signals only party work" or some such. Thank you, tho, for giving us the year / model

And pay attention to the forum sections. Hit the link at the top of the page that says "Forums," and look for "electrical" or whatever the closest "department" you are asking about

If you do not have a service manual, wander over to, and download a free service manual. You may have to settle for Plymouth vs Dodge and vise versa.

Also while you are there, look in the wiring section. There are 3rd party wiring diagrams. These are SOMEtimes easier to follow than factory, but may also leave out some detail. I use both routinely.