Last one to post in this thread wins!

No hurry to sell any till after the first of the year so I haven't posted a for sale trend yet but have plenty of people wanting them.
So far material wise I have little into them.
But yea lots of time getting to this point but now with the practice after making 4 they are getting easier to make.
Thanks for the feedback. :thumbsup:
No prob, learned that lesson from fixing people’s chimneys. Oh there’s only a couple of bricks loose. Just patch it up and good. No my name is on that chimney and if it burns your house down fingers will point at me. So with out even looking it’s a grand possibility less but I’m going to say a grand. Because you don’t know what’s there till you take it down, even if I went and inspected it hidden issues. But my expertise is what your paying for and it cost me a lot need to recoup some of that.