I'm not disagreeing. It'll work, but what's he use for rod bearings? He's gonna have to have the big end of the rods resized to a different journal size and use a rod bearing for a different application. We're not talking about a .025" offset here. I get what you're saying, but offset grinding is more expensive than grinding back to standard stroke, plus now he'll have resizing the rods to pay for. What's "budget" about that? Some of the more popular crankpin resizing applications are Chevy and Honda, but because of the extra machine work involved, "budget" is kinda not there anymore. Besides, the 225 already has a 4.125" stroke. To get zero deck height, you've gotta offset that bad boy to beyond 4.250". That's a lot. Just spitballin......I wonder how much of a dent he'd put in some Molnar rods and Wiseco pistons doing the machine work to offset grind the crank? It'd be worth looking into. The bigger question is, is he even remotely interested? I'm thinking probably not. Not for what he's doing anyway.