Better Torque From A 318

You probably were the best help. Thanks
look, i give you a lot of **** and play around a bunch but when you ask reasonable, real questions i'm happy to help. i'm glad that you've turned the page and are actively trying to learn rather than just regurgitate information you've picked up elsewhere.

research and read everything you can. there are some very smart people on this board (i am not among them) that have been building and tuning motors for longer than i've been alive and have proof positive of what works and what doesn't. in turn there are people here that are firmly entrenched old skool and are still building motors like they did 40 years ago and refuse to adopt any new ideas or practices. there are also people who are only focused on performance and not street manners or driveability. keep all of that in mind when parsing responses.

recognize that there is no one answer.

but cart before the horse and all that: get a car first then start asking motor questions.