Lost my Fuel and Temp Guages at the dash in my 67 Dart

The relevant parts of the inst panel diagram. Top diagram find "ignition switch near the top. See ammeter just to the right. NOT FUSED. Off the bottom R6A BLACK comes off the ammeter to the splice a bit to the left. NOT FUSED and this is known as the WELDED SPLICE. J1 comes off that and up to the ignition switch. This is the main power going INTO the switch. Q2 comes off the ignition switch and down BLACK Notice it goes down to a splice. Now refer to the bottom diagram which overlaps

Notice the splice, top left of page, with Q2 coming down. This is switched ACC (accessory) power from the ignition switch. Notice G1 BLACK coming off and going down. Notice it goes down and over to G1 of a terminal on the cluster, inline connector, and then follow the dashed line over to the "external voltage limiter" and then to the fuel and temp gauges.