Help spec'ing out a new small block

Nope haven’t changed my mind yet. I’m exploring options and won’t decide what to do until after I learn enough about what’s available and after I actually run what I have first. Might just need better flowing heads like we had talked about before.

I have an opportunity to pick up a R3 block but had no idea what the differences were. Then I started thinking of I was going to buy a block, should I go with a Ritter or R3. You know I have Victor heads on order, that made me think can I use them with the new block?

I am information gathering now so I don’t have to learn the hard way by buying stuff more than once. I’m planning a road trip down south in January to test out the current combo before deciding what, if anything I need to do in order to reach my goals for next year.

Low 10’s is what I’m expecting out of the car the way it sits. I am back halfing the car after this race season is up. Whatever goes in the car needs to run a low 9 without breaking a sweat. That is what I’m gathering information on now as I plan to have it all together and ready for the car when it gets backhalfed.
John has no patience for mind changing lol