bigger rear disc in rear than front a problem I assume?
I have the wheels on my car, I have on issues going down the road with these wheels. Was just trying to help.
Hey I’m just trying to help too. Steel wheels will distort when you tighten them, so you may not notice any issues in the short term.
But in the long term, if the center bore of the wheel is sitting on that hub snout radius before the mounting surface is flat against the hub you could end up with metal fatigue on the wheel or the hub, which could lead to failure. The likelihood of that is pretty small with the amount of miles most people drive these cars, but a wheel/hub failure isn’t something I’d mess around with, even if the possibility is tiny.
Do you have any close up pictures of the center bore of the wheel or the hub? With the wheel off you should be able to see the spots where the wheel sits on the hub. If the witness marks are clear of the snout radius than all should be good.
The Wilwood instructions are very clear, and the difference in their recommendation for the hub bore at 3.24” and the hub bore of the cop wheels (<3”) is huge, hence my skepticism. But a couple pictures would take care of that, and could be very helpful for other members considering Wilwoods if their recommendations are that far off.